Lili graffiti dans le coffret Me Myself and Montréal
En octobre, Lili graffiti a eu la chance de faire partie des créatrices choisies pour participer au coffret de MMM, une belle aventure avec à la clé quelques parutions dans les blogs et même dans la PRESSE + !
Crédit photo : Me Myself Montréal
This is fabulous Bev. I adore the potracsd tucked in behind. It reminds me of our holidays when I was a child. My dad and brothers always went fishing while mum and I went round the shops and of course, bought potracsds for those back home.All the best Linda
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1 commentaire
This is fabulous Bev. I adore the potracsd tucked in behind. It reminds me of our holidays when I was a child. My dad and brothers always went fishing while mum and I went round the shops and of course, bought potracsds for those back home.All the best Linda