7 février: Journée "envoyez une carte à un-e ami-e"

7 février: Journée "envoyez une carte à un-e ami-e"

Have you ever noticed all these funny special days we hear about on social media, or that you see written on your planner? Like World laughter day (May 3rd), National Pasta Day (October, 17th) or even Clean your refrigerator Day (November, 15th)… Well, among them, you can find one that we immediately loved and you’ll see why! On February 7th, this is Send a card to a friend Day.

Invented by a card company (Duh!), we love this simple yet efficient idea to keep in touch with loved ones in an old-school/nostalgic way.

Although the greeting cards market has never been better,  it’s more usual nowadays to offer a card alongside a present at Christmas, during weddings or at birthdays. But what about the simple act of writing a card just to say someone that we think of them?

I’ve experienced it recently, and it such an amount of joy to discover an unexpected card from a friend among bills and official mail!

So, let’s take this day as a good excuse to give our best thoughts to a friend long time no see / in need of comfort / that lives abroad / that we just love. Picturing their reaction when they receive our card is priceless!

Find our greeting cards selections on our shop: “Love + Friendship”, “Everyday + Occasions”, “Thank you” and “Positive Thoughts” to say to a dear friend how much we love them, what they bring to our life or simply Thank you…

To whom do you want to send a card on the 7th of February?

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