Boston et ses cafés

Boston & its coffee places

A 2-day getaway filled with love & coffee!

Recently, I went to spend a few days in Boston, taking advantage of my partner's business trip. I seized the opportunity to change scenery and draw inspiration from this beautiful city that I love so much.

Between walks, visits, and sketching, my schedule also included numerous stops at charming cafes, sometimes to work, sometimes to indulge in one of my passions: people-watching! Here are my favorite spots (and my orders!).

Day 1 - Morning: I headed to TATTE Cafe on Charles Street, crossing through Boston Common. Located in the Beacon Hill neighborhood, famous for its stunning buildings, I loved the cozy atmosphere of this cafe!

I settled at the counter running along the window to answer my emails and finalize my illustrations for the 2025 planner and calendar. I could have spent hours more, either at one of the small bistro tables or on their beautiful terrace.

My order: a cherry scone + an oat milk matcha latte.

Later that day, I had a work session at the famous Boston Library, an architectural gem! Its great hall, with a Harry Potter-like atmosphere, and its beautiful courtyard are definitely worth visiting!

Day 1 - Afternoon: After the library and a walk, I settled into another location of TATTE Cafe, this time on Boylston Street, next to the Boston Garden. This one is much larger, perfect for people-watching! A varied crowd of tourists and regulars creates a lively mix.

I smiled seeing young tourists taking endless photos with a pastry in their hand! At the large table in the middle, a mom was helping her daughter with homework while enjoying a snack; a teacher was grading papers...such a nice vibe.

My order: another scone + an iced tea.

Day 2 - Morning: This time, I sat down at Caffe Nero on Newbury Street. It might be a less "hype" spot, but the number of regulars, including both students and gym-goers from the nearby fitness center, confirmed it was a great choice!

Located in a semi-basement, it still boasts a lovely terrace.

My order: a breakfast bagel + an iced matcha (it was already 32 degrees that morning!).

Day 2 - Noon: Back to TATTE on Boylston for a light lunch. I needed a quick and delicious break that day before spending the afternoon at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston.

My order: an avocado, salmon, and egg toast + a flat white.

Day 2 - Afternoon: I went to finish the day at Thinking Cup, a café that's a bit less fancy and even a bit old-fashioned, but very convenient and packed with locals, which is always a good sign!

There were many university students studying, creating a studious atmosphere. Perfect for me, as I needed to put the finishing touches on the cover of the 2025 planner!

My order: a white & dark chocolate chip cookie + an iced tea.

I hope you enjoyed this format! If you did, I'll take you to a new city with cafes to visit some other time!


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