Fenêtre sur destination : Notre nouveau concept d’illustrations de voyage.

Windows of the world : our new concept of travel illustrations.

Exclusively on our newsletters!

I am delighted to present you our 2021 yearly series of illustrations, the one that you can find exclusively every month in our newsletter.

The past year, we successfully explored the thematic of travels, with a world tour in 12 postcards from some of our favorite places.

We were thrilled to have your amazing feedback, and quickly decided to put these illustrations in a brand new calendar: you loved it as much as we did, and we were very proud of the result.

This year was the perfect opportunity to continue to explore the travel theme in our newsletters, with a nice twist: we had the idea to gather our loves for food and travels, to create a unique concept called “Windows of the world”.

What’s the concept about? A typical meal of the region/country displayed on a table, in front of a window opened to a nice landscape.

12 new destinations drawn in a unique way, for which we had a lot of fun! We let you discover today the first visuals of the series, issued of the first 6 monthly newsletters of 2021:




If you aren’t already subscribed to our newsletter, it’s time to do it!

In addition to discover our “windows of the world” in preview, you’ll have access to exclusive promotions, behind-the-scenes, and more!

One last reason to become a (free) subscriber? You’ll immediately have a 10% discount on your next order! Convinced?


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