Merci de vous occuper des plantes

Thank you for looking after the plants

The creation of the fall-winter 2017 collection is now completed, it's holiday time. On the agenda: above all resting, reading by the pool, maybe a few museum visits and family fun! Not to mention ice creams and aperitifs ...

But before you leave, think about your plants: here are some tips to keep them alive when you’re absent.



1. Before you leave, water your plants and give them a lot of love! Don’t forget to put water in the flower pot saucer, it will go up by capillarity.
2. Place them strategically in your accommodation: some will appreciate being outside, but not directly in the sun. They will benefit from the rain water and the ambient humidity.
3. Those that remain in the house should be placed in a space as cool and bright as possible, without direct exposure to the sun, in order to avoid dehydration.
4. All plants don’t need to be watered, especially fatty and exotic plants that can easily wait for several weeks.
5. Ask a friend or a nice neighbor to go to water your plants once in a while! Don’t forget to thank him with a nice card.

Have a nice holiday!

@liligraffiti2017-2018 - Illustration Lili graffiti protégée

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