Notre routine matinale d'automne

Our Fall morning routine

Oh, Fall..! The most beautiful season, in our opinion, here in Quebec. The colors, the softness, the desire to immerse ourselves in cozy and calm atmospheres… We love it.

But autumn is also a transitional season between the vibrant heat of summer and the freezing cold of winter, which is why we’ve gotten into the habit of adjusting our morning routine to ease this transition and embrace change with more serenity.

  • Waking up with daylight 

We love waking up to the sun’s light; with shorter days, it can sometimes be more challenging. Yet, it’s necessary for our balance and to start our day feeling energized!
The trick: invest in a light therapy lamp or an alarm clock that mimics sunrise. Guaranteed gentle wake-up!

  • A refreshing shower

Before stepping into the shower, we use a dry brush to rub our body:
With circular motions, we take the time to wake up and tone ourselves by stimulating lymphatic circulation.
Then, we hop into a warm shower, and if we’re feeling brave, finish with a cold water blast.

  • A nourishing breakfast

Say goodbye to cold, rushed meals: our body craves warmth and slowness.
We focus on comforting textures like oatmeal, seasonal fruits such as apples or pears, and spices with benefits for the immune system or digestion, like cinnamon, ginger, or nutmeg. And we don’t forget to treat ourselves to a hot drink!

Recipe idea: Avocado and egg toast

Avocado is a super vegetable filled with good fats, perfectly replacing butter! With an egg on top, you get a comforting and nourishing breakfast.

  • A moment of mindfulness and/or yoga

We give ourselves fifteen minutes to focus on our breathing, using a guided meditation, and take the time to reset before starting the day.

You can also do a few sun salutations (with the help of our NAMASTE poster!) to warm up your muscles.

Our favorite :

  • A walk in the fresh air

Motivating ourselves to go for a morning walk, no matter the temperature, is always beneficial for both body and mind! We breathe, we observe…
It’s also a great time to mentally list the day’s tasks, come up with new ideas, or even learn by listening to a podcast or an audiobook.

Our favorite:

  • Starting the day

Now is the time to settle down for work! We jot down the day’s priorities in a notebook, realistically, and making sure to allow breaks.
Remember not to overload your schedule and to spread out time-consuming and/or more difficult tasks throughout the week.


This is how we like to start our autumn days; even though the focus is on slowness and gentleness, it’s a simple and effective routine to stay productive during this season.

Do you have any tips and tricks to share with us?

Have a beautiful fall season!

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