Today we introduce you to a gorgeous shop located in Granby, Qc. Its grand opening is happening today! Please meet Gen, one of the co-creators of this new shop in town.
1/ Hi Gen, can you describe your shop in a few words?
Les Finfinettes is :
- A shop. We tracked and found some items that are both playful and useful. For a large part, the suppliers / craftsmen that we work with are from Quebec or Canada. We are firm believers of the local economy.
- A workshop. With the help of some craftsmen-women, we offer introduction classes to help you master manual and artistic habilities. A moment of creation as well as a human experience, to share or to offer to someone you love
- A coffeeshop. We've made the choice of serving vegeterian-only food, to respect our environmental beliefs. Our coffee is locally roasted, our salads and sandwiches are made with premium quality ingredients.
2/ What comes to your mind when you think of Liligraffiti?
For me, Liligraffiti means colours that make me smile. Her style is a mood booster. Marie the designer gives her own vision of little moments of the everyday life. The designs are easy to mix with different styles, and are so easy to love!
3/ If you had to pick one of our products, which one would you choose?
Without a doubt it would be the meal planner. It's the perfect example of the nice yet useful purchase. Meal planning is a really useful, and has a lot to offer (Saving money, time, eating healthier, etc.) - It's not the task that we are craving to do, but with a nice item, you'll more eager to do it. Plus, the planner was very well-designed, we all can use a little help ;)